Authors |
Otdelkina Tatiana Nikolaevna, Postgraduate student, Nizhni Novgorod State University named after N. I. Lobachevsky (7 Universitetskiy lane, Nizhni Novgorod, Russia),
Abstract |
Background. Today, substitute families are one of effective institutions, aimed at socialization of orphans and children without parental care. However, it is necessary to determine the origins of its formation to ensure its functioning. The article presents an analysis of theoretical approaches and concepts of studying the problems of child orphanhood and family problems in a historical perspective and analysis of the current state of these social phenomena in Nizhny Novgorod region. The aim of the article is to reveal theoretical foundations and historical origins of the institution of substitute family.
Materials and methods. The research tasks were implemented on the basis of the analysis of theoretical approaches and concepts of studying the problems of child orphanhood and family problems in a historical perspective and the analysis of the current status of these social phenomena in Nizhny Novgorod region.
Results. The results show that such historically formed social phenomena like social orphanhood and family problems were the main reasons of formation of the institution of substitute family.
Conclusions. On the basis of the results of the conducted research one can conclude about the need to introduce new technologies to address the problems of child abandonment and family problems, as well as to improve the system of prevention of these social phenomena.
Key words |
social orphanhood, family problems, substitute family, orphans, children without parental care.
References |
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